Reflecting on My Past Experience with Russia and Obama's Speech at the New Economic School in Moscow
From 1972 through 1979, I studied Russian language, first in high school, then at university. I had been intrigued with Russian history, culture and society ever since, as a primary six school student back in the 60s, I'd read a chapter in my geography textbook about how difficult life was in the Soviet Union and how pitiful it was that its leaders wanted to rule the world, even to the point of being willing to destroy America. Oh yes, I learned, we were all potential victims in a Cold War.
My interest, or curiosity, took on added meaning one day when my P6 teacher asked me to assist a visiting lecturer in carrying his box of slides and slide projector from his car and into our school auditorium for a presentation - many years pre-Powerpoint - about his trip to the Soviet Union. The guest lecturer turned out to be Mr. Edward Taylor, a humble but world-wise and hilarious gentleman who would soon be my high school Russian teacher and the inspiration for my future studies and a career in education. What amazed me about his presentation was how he captured the faces of the Russian people. While the USSR was vilified throughout my youth by the American media, even by many of my relatives and neighbors who feared nuclear war, its people --at least those portrayed in Mr. Taylor's slideshow -- looked normal, and not like bomb-wielding homicidal freaks. What was the real story, I wondered.
Three years after high school, in 1977, after I'd been studying Russian for nearly 5 years, I left Ohio State University as a 3rd year uni student embarking on his first international trip, a study abroad program at the famed Pushkin Institute in Moscow. My goal had been to put all the Russian I'd been learning into practice, to walk the streets of my newfound literary "heroes" (from the very real guys like Pushkin, Lermontov and Turgenev, to characters such as Raskolnikov and Prince Myshkin), and to check out America's number one foe from the inside out.

Then there was my daily life as a student. From eating soft boiled eggs and sausages first thing every morning in a dreary cafe in the university hotel to traveling across Moscow by train and bus to the school, to interacting with my Russian teachers, fellow (mainly American!) students and local friends, it would all touch me in a way that few experiences ever had. What broke first, I suppose, was the illusion that I had held until that time of America being the center of the universe. Suddenly, there I was, speaking another language to satisfy my basic needs, seeing sights (Red Square, St. Basil's, the Kremlin) that I'd only read about, studying in classrooms with photos of Lenin and Marx hanging in them, and --despite the mortal enemy rap I'd learned so well -- partying down with young commies and dangerous dissidents alike, learning that we were very much alike, after all.
Two of my best friends from that era, a young Chechen artist named Shamil and his sidekick, a Russian black marketeer named Valya, even introduced me to something I'd never expected to find in the land of Lenin, Stalin and Krushchev: ass-kicking anti-establishment attitude! In the back alleys, cramped crash pads, and beer halls that they inhabited, in the alternative lifestyles they had, Shamil and Valya showed attitude. In fact, these guys openly trashed many things Soviet, questioned the ideals and means of their leadership as well as the passivity of their fellow citizens, all that while listening to Pink Floyd and other forbidden Western musical groups and buying and selling every piece of foreign apparel they could get their hands on. They also talked of bringing another revolution to their "fucked" homeland. Through this they were, I surmised, yearning in some odd way to be more capitalist than me, which smacked of serious irony for an Ohio-farm-boy-turned-intrepid-explorer in search of the heart and soul of the socialist dream.
Little of what I found in Moscow, mind you, had ever been discussed in my international studies, political science and literature classes at OSU (although there was a Dostoevskian tragic quality to my new friends' existence). The focus of many classes was either on the archaic or the life-threatening. Once, when I'd wanted to research and write a paper on samizdat literature (underground self-published materials that had begun to filter out of the USSR), a distinguished professor had even told me to focus on the classics. In Moscow my friends lectured me on the reality, insisting that a focus on the so-called classics, whether in art, music or literature, was just a means by the the authorities for keeping discussion of change out of public discourse.
My book learning had taken place in the Brezhnev years, a period when the US-USSR competition seemed to have reached its epitome, when many of my countrymen envisioned that every Russian (or even student of Russian!) was a probable KGB agent and when many Soviet citizens were keen to show Americans how evolved their society was. It was also a period when the huge statues of Lenin and well-armed military parades symbolized Soviet might and hostile US and Soviet relations had been spun into scary acronyms like MAD --- mutually assured destruction --- and heavy metaphors such as the Iron Curtain.
Those images have fallen by the wayside in the last 20 years, of course.

Nearly twenty years have passed since the country that my friends Valya and Shamil lived in ceased to exist. The Soviet Union of Lenin's dream, of Stalin's purges, of Krushchev's shoe being pounded on the lectern at the UN, is no more. This is not to say that Russia today has ceased to be anything like its Soviet incarnation. The corruption that still exists there might seem a vestige of earlier times. That a privileged few control vast wealth and resources might seem a vestige of earlier times. Even the fears, doubts and distrust that many Russian citizens have toward political institutions, toward leadership, toward America itself, might seem a vestige from earlier times. But there have been mountains of change.
In fact, at the end of his speech to future entrepreneurs and business leaders at the New Economic School, an institution whose very existence speaks of amazing changes in the Russian landscape, Obama carried the geological metaphor further when he said that "Russia has cut its way through time like a mighty river through a canyon, leaving an indelible mark on human history as it goes." Yes indeed.
What I especially liked about Obama's speech was not just that an American president was actually taking the time to address Russian college graduates, but also the clear intelligence and insight of his comments. Obama offered the students a rich analysis of how Russians and Americans (in fact, citizens worldwide) have many common interests. He spoke of how Russian success could also be interpreted as American success. He talked of the need for citizens and leaders of both countries to work together with the goal of building a better world with better opportunities and a better future for all involved.
I like that goal, and admire Obama's attempt to be inclusive. He's a guy who knows that people are just people, no matter where they live, no matter what their national or ethnic or religious identity. French, Iranians, Chinese, Iraqis, Chechens, Filipinos, Kenyans, Russians, Americans. We want a chance to fulfill our needs, a life that spells security and a measure of comfort, a good place to raise our kids, a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.
But Obama's also a guy with few illusions: he knows that in the face of growing demands and shrinking resources, peace and harmony hang by a thread because the world is the way it is, a place of backward tribal beliefs and dark corners of vice, raw emotions bubbling and chasms waiting to be filled with unsuspecting victims. Still, he's trying to put a positive spin on the human spirit and international relations, he's trying to engage others and reverse past trends -- down with all the stereotyping, vilifying, sabre-rattling. Out with the base need to conjure up ghouls and antagonistic, war-mongering sentiment in phrases like the Axis of Evil and the Evil Empire (or even the Great Satan).
And who can blame the prez? We're all in this world together. Look at the potential for disaster that exists by reviewing the mess that's been created in the last 100 years.
There seems to be cause for optimism, however guarded. At least the Russian and American leaders have sat down at the table and seriously talked about hot topics like easing bilateral tensions, reducing nuclear arms, shoring up international institutions and improving cooperation. Let's hope these guys' intentions are as sincere as they seem.
In these interesting times, I have to wonder what ever became of my old friends Valya and Shamil and what they might think now. Viva la revolucion?
Find the transcript of Obama's Moscow speech here.
it's great that russian leaders decided that it's better just to get along than say "blow-up something." anyway cool piece,peace. and whatever happened to ed?
It's not just the Russian leaders who have had to look at things differently with different goals in mind. It's our Americans leaders, too. Now that Bush is out, and we have someone sensible in the White House, the opportunities for positive change are that much greater.
yeh, but where's ed, is ed dead? i always liked ed, even if ed is dead. was ed red? so i'm just wondering if ed was red or unfortunitly dead,instead of a resident of mt. perry.
Yep, Ed has passed away. But his spirit lives on!
Hi BB sensei, I read this post like you suggested, and I’m glad I did! I did learn a little bit of Russia history in my Secondary School days, and I remember being very fascinated by it, although now, the only thing that I can probably remember well is that line from that catchy Rasputin song! Haha! Anyway, your post really appealed to me; perhaps it was the tale of a curious young American who took the road less travelled. Perhaps it was the open-mindedness that you possessed in the way you saw the other side of the world, or the honesty from the way you spoke of your experiences, or perhaps it was simply the irony of it all!
I actually first learnt about the rivalry between the USA and Russia when I was a kid at the Kennedy Space Centre, and my dad told me how both countries were always vying to see who could make it to the moon first, and Russia failed because of funding difficulties. True?? Haha, but I liked the way you addressed the issue, that how ultimately, countries, cultures and governments apart, we are all but the same. Also, Mr. Obama’s speech was truly inspiring, and the picture that he painted of two powerful nations working hand-in-hand is something that I hope to have the privilege to see one day! Thank you for sharing your views and experiences… I look forward to hearing and reading more about them.
Thank you, Sheryl, for reading such a long post and providing all the flattering feedback. It's interesting that you, too, have a story to tell about your experience with Russia, albeit at the Kennedy Space Center. I look forward to more communications with you as well.
Because of the nature of my parent's work, the Cold War was never far from mind. When Khrushchev came to Ohio to tour (the new) Zanesville High School it seemed surreal! He was halfway between the Aerospace Guidance Center and the birthplaces of John Glenn and Neil Armstrong!!! I can still remember his saying "we will crush you." The CIA determined he was ill (yes, through intercepting his excrement) and it was only a few years later that he died. Brezhnev was the last of the Old Garde. Later, I remember when Gorbachev jumped out of his limo in New York City and shook the hands of passersby!!!! Say it AIN'T so, I shouted with excitement and amazement!! I was amazed and impressed because that one action really got the the dialogue going, let alone opening our hearts and minds. Then came Reagan, and together the fall of the Berlin Wall...(which went up when I was a toddler living in Germany). SO much that we thought would never change, did.
I believe the last of the Titan Missles have been used to launch payloads such as a satellite. I do remember seeing a missle go up from Vandenberg AFB when I lived out West. I had the luxury of knowing what it was and not to fear it.
In 1992, I toured the United Nations, and saw a statue of The Virgin Mary from Japan. I am not sure which city it was located in, but when the Bomb(s) were dropped on Japan, the sandstone sculpture was knocked frontside down. The backside was melted into glass. I brushed my hand across the surfaces, and said a silent prayer for those lost, and those whom I hope would never know such destruction.
Yup, here's to leaders with courage to change. Here's to you Brad for reminding us that there is a world without borders.
Yes, I recall Mr. Taylor. I sure hope his papers were preserved somewhere. Sheridan HS was indeed enriched through his classes,and his influence certainly ripples around the world.
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